Message from: Khillare P.S. (The Principal)

I am extremely happy and profoundly privileged to head this great institution. It is a pride to see an institution growing into maturity and stability and reaching out to all sections of the society.

The Institute is focused on its vision and the strategies for carrying it out for the socio-economic development of the backward area of Paithan in particular and the rural area of Aurangabad district in general.

We are in the post modern era where science and technology are the corner stones on which the edifice of society rests. The advances in communication have put us on the information super highway and the nations which are slow to change are bound to lag behind in progress and prosperity.

A Institute does not consist of buildings and latest instruments only. It is the teacher who makes the It’. The backbone of every educational institution is its committed bunch of teachers who spark the imagination of their students and give wings to their dreams. In any institution, it is the group of dedicated and committed teachers who have the potential to break down the barriers and reach into the souls of the students. At this juncture, I gratefully remember all the teachers past and present and sincerely appreciate and value the efforts made to empower the students with a strong sense of self, enabling them to acquire new skill and shape a better tomorrow.

We shall be continuing with the same zeal and commitment for the years to come with its aim- the integral personal formation of the young, forming them into men in the service of others.

With this direction, we look forward for many more years to come and continue to strive for excellence in every field.

I hope our humble effort will go a long way in putting the Institute at information super highway for making the institution a real instrument of socio-economic change while improving the quality of education through technology.

My Best wishes to all the students for happy and prosperous life.

Khillare P.S.